If you have a masculine nature, you likely have a sense of "mission" in life - a strong conviction, a drive to do something big, achieve goals, accomplish, and conquer. Now, of course, you enjoy your wife and kids, being a great husband and father. But deep down, there's something about working on your mission in life - what you feel you were called to do. If you have not yet found or defined your mission, you might feel like there's something missing in your life, even if you're family life is full of joy.
The feminine has at their core a strong sense of love. They may have an incredibly successful professional career, but deep down, there's something missing. At the core of the feminine is an essential need to have love flowing and abundant. If love is not found, one might feel like there's something missing in life. Mission is masculine. Love is feminine. You need both. Masculine men love watching football or boxing, rather than watching chick flicks and reading romance novels. If a guy can't actually participate in the physical pursuit of a goal, then watching it will help fulfill that need. Sports is all about achieving a goal - having a mission, knowing fully what it is, and using every ounce of strength and focus to achieve that goal. Football in particular embodies the masculine core of mission by taking your ball down the field and crossing the goal line. On your way to the goal, you fight for every inch, risking physical and mental injury, you work with others like-minded on your team, you compete against your opponent, you break free of tackles, you run as fast as you can, until you can't run any more, you've run out of time, or you make it to the end zone and score. Ah... what ecstasy. For the masculine: competition, fighting, aggression, mission, facing death, are all forms of pleasure (rapture, ecstasy). Men enjoy the mission in life. Ask a man, "How's it going?" And he'll likely reflect on his work. If his work is going really well, his sex life is great (he's getting some), he's enjoying is activities, and life is good. If his work isn't going very well, then usually he'll say that his sex life is crap, his woman seems different, he can't concentrate, and his life seems a bit empty and overwhelming. We all have both masculine and feminine characteristics. For the feminine, love is at the core of life. For the more masculine male, his sexual nature is evidenced in his entertainment, his work, and his sense of mission just as much as in his intimate relationship with his woman. So, to the woman reading this, if your man is watching sports on TV - Let him. It's good for him. Tips for Men to Be Better Men, Wonderful Husbands, and Loving Fathers
December 2021