There's energy all around you. We were formed from it. Your physical body is a manifestation of this invisible field of energy, like a swimmer emerging from in an infinite ocean of energy. Physicists refer to this field of pure limitless energy as the quantum field or quantum possibility wave.
At the instant of your conception, elements were set in motion related to how your physical form would appear and how you would unfold. This energy is infinite in its potential, and it is just waiting for something to happen, something to be created, something to be set in motion or existence. When you were conceived, a time space event occurred in this invisible field of energy. You were created. You came from this omnipresent energy to become present in time and space. And because you come from this omnipresent field of energy, this energy is accessible to you after your physical arrival here on Earth. You are from this source of energy. You are part of this source. You are essentially an appearance or a mask of this infinite source of energy. You are not separated from it. It is everywhere, and you are connected. The evil trick of this world is to convince you that you're separated from it. Being connected is what I refer to as being in Spirit, inspired, or enlightened. Enlightened folk are connected to this everywhere present energy. And they understand that this energy, to which they are connected, is infinite in its potential, and, therefore, so are they. Enlightened folk understand that everything is available to them, that apparently inconceivable things are available, and that all things are possible. I think that's what was being taught 2,000 years ago when it was said that with men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). When you become enlightened, when you realize this truth -- that you are come from, a part of, and connected to a universal big ball of energy -- then you feel powerful. You feel that your life has purpose and meaning, much more than ever before. You start to think, feel, and become part of the infinite, from which nothing is excluded. Tips for Men to Be Better Men, Wonderful Husbands, and Loving Fathers
December 2021