The King's Guide is intended to be a guide for men. Specifically, men who are unafraid to be masculine. A masculine man is purposeful, confident and driven. And this man is also totally turned on by the feminine. He loves his woman. Dedicated to her - through his work and his sexuality.
The King's Guide is written for men who have achieved an understanding of other genders and sexual preferences, who consider men and women to be social, economic, and political equals, but they want to live a fulfilled life that celebrates sexual and spiritual passions inherent in the masculine and feminine polarities. In a healthy relationship, I believe you have to have a masculine and a feminine. As they say, opposites attract. This seems to be true in homosexual relationships as well as heterosexual ones. Sexual polarity (masculine vs. feminine) is not dependent upon gender. But you still need two different, opposing polarities of personal characteristics in a good, healthy relationship. And I'm familiar enough with the heterosexual male masculine role to write about it, at least in my own personal experiences. A man's most important role is to be the king - the one who guides, protects and provides for his wife and family. This is a masculine role. It has been written that a man is the head of the family. In the beginning, the roles of Adam and Eve were defined by the instructions given to them. Eve was to desire her husband, and that he was to rule over her. Apostle Paul wrote that the husband is the head of the wife, just as Jesus Christ is the head over the church. And just as believers follow Christ, so the wife shall follow her husband in everything. But what do these things that were written 2,000 years ago mean in today's reality? What might we learn from the biblical roles that have been written? What, if anything, can we learn that which has been written in the past about sexually masculine and feminine roles? How might those things be applied to our present-day lives? For many households such as single-parent families, these roles of being husband and wife are not realized. And because I am not familiar enough with gay and lesbian partnerships and marriages, I will not be commenting much upon how roles play in those situations. However, it is commonly understood that in many loving relationships (straight, traditional, gay, non-traditional, lesbian, etc.) there is one person who has a more masculine characteristic and one that is more feminine. And the opposing, yet sexually attractive, types of personalities can make that relationship very exciting and enduring. To be a guide, protector and provider, takes work. Hard work. In Genesis, it is written that a man will eat only after working up a sweat on his face. He's got to work in order to eat. Whew! And, this command was divinely given to the man specifically. The commandment to the woman was to be the man's helper. Eve was told to help Adam work hard. Some say that the complications of our modern times require men and women to change what has been written before. Yet, for many men and women today, God's instructions to Adam and Eve are as valid today as when first given. It just works for them. Others discount these commandments, prefer to alter God's intention and plans, and create a suitable substitute that works for them. Personally, I have yet to find and study an alternative that works better for me and my wife than the one that is built upon loving obedience to each other by proper arrangement and deliberate decision. Unconditional love is the key, sweeping over both of you in fathomless billows. Masculine and feminine energies add the spice of life to a healthy, passionate relationship. You may be interested in reading "You Need Opposites" from The King's Guide. Tips for Men to Be Better Men, Wonderful Husbands, and Loving Fathers
December 2021