I know what I like:
That's a short list of mine. Now, take 10 seconds to think of a list of your own. Go ahead. I dare you. Here's the reason: to share that list of your personal likes with your lover. Why? Why do I do that? So that my lover can use my list to her advantage. I'll say that again - so that my lover can use that list to her advantage. Can this list be used to bribe me? To con me? Sure. But my wife doesn't use it for that purpose. She doesn't play that game: "If I give Benjamin what he likes, he'll give me what I want." Nope. She doesn't do that. Purpose
Here's the purpose of sharing your list with your lover: So that 2 become 1. That's actually a verse from my favorite source of life lessons (Ephesians). Ephesians teaches a man to join his lover so that the two will become one flesh. To most couples, it's a mystery how two can become one. Not to me. Ephesians 5 is written for us men. You better read it. Ephesians 5:21-33. When I have a need, my wife is right there. She knows me well. She sees my feelings from 20 feet away. She anticipates my moves to support me. She doesn't allow me to be in a place that I don't want to be in. She knows how to make me smile. She knows what I like, what I love, what I need. Her and I can look at each other from across a crowded room, and know what each other is thinking. We're connected. Are you connected with your lover? Are you? Huh? My wife and I are joined; we're connected; we're one. She gave me her list, and I gave her mine. Do the same, gents. Tips for Men to Be Better Men, Wonderful Husbands, and Loving Fathers
December 2021